Sales & Pricing Policy

At Diverse Reads, our commitment is not just to provide a wide and varied range of books, but also to make these books accessible and affordable to our readers. We believe in transparency, fairness, and the principle of passing on the benefits we receive directly to our customers.

Purpose of the Policy

This policy aims to outline our sales approach, especially in relation to the discounts we receive from book publishers. We believe our customers deserve to know how we price our books and the benefits they stand to gain.

Discount Policy

Discounts that Diverse Reads receives from publishers can be directly transferred to our customers. This means that if we get a book at a discounted price from the publisher, we will lower our retail price accordingly.

Transparent Pricing: The pricing of each book will clearly indicate the standard retail price and the discounted price. This ensures that customers are fully aware of the savings they are making by purchasing from Diverse Reads.

No Hidden Fees: There will be no hidden fees or surcharges. The price you see, inclusive of the publisher's discount, is the price you pay.

Regular Price Monitoring

Diverse Reads will regularly monitor and adjust our pricing to reflect any changes in the discounts provided by publishers. This ensures our customers always get the best possible deal.

Membership and Additional Discounts

While the discounts from publishers are transferred to all our customers, Diverse Reads may, from time to time, offer additional discounts, promotional codes, or deals especially to our members.

These membership discounts are separate and may be added on top of the discounts obtained from publishers.

Feedback and Queries

We encourage our customers to regularly provide feedback on our pricing and any other related matters. If you have any questions or need clarification on any aspect of our sales policy, please don't hesitate to contact our customer service team.

Policy Review

This policy will be reviewed annually to ensure it remains relevant and continues to serve the best interests of our customers. Any changes or updates to this policy will be communicated promptly.

Thank you for choosing Diverse Reads. We are here because of you, and we pledge to always offer you the best deals and the most diverse range of books. Your reading journey is our priority.